Apostle Mamie Jones, Born and raised in Buffalo NY. Was relocated to Phoenix AZ by the divine will of the God to do a work and be a blessing to many. during this time, she received her Apostleship under the covering of Apostle Eva and Pastor Dennis Gonzales 2010 under a great cloud of witness. From there she has Pastored, trained, ordain, raise up prophets, mentor ministries and Coaches, she has written 3 books and teach intensively on many topics with her strongest area in warfare, Apostle comes now under the anointing of the Most High God, with a new mandated to encourage, support, lift up and push to be in the right place with God through understanding the forces and powers that fight your existence. Come and be a part of this understanding the powers of darkness conference. Come and hear and see what God has done! We are looking to see you there.